Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Primordial Black Holes

Are Primordial Black Holes the Source of the Universe's Dark Matter? - The Daily Galaxy 9/20/11

Dark Matter, that most elusive piece of the cosmic puzzle. We feel and see its gravitational effects, but no one has been able to detect it directly. Is it a force from a parallel universe pushing up against our own? Is is made of some fundamental particle that we can't yet find? Is it something we can't even begin to fathom? Some scientists have come up with a way to try to detect it. The theory goes that shortly after the big bang, these primordial black holes were created and still exist, floating through space in an around galaxies (as that's where we detect the largest portions of dark matter). Primordial black holes would have a much more concentrated "dark mass" associated with them and thus would be easier to detect than regular dark matter. Scientists propose that these wandering primordial black holes of dark matter weave around galaxies and sometimes pass through stars. Since they do no absorb or emit light, the only thing that we could see is a sort of ripple effect in the star, like a wave on water, that would indicate something of high mass has passed through it. Very interesting theory. Seems a little far-fetched to me, but then again so is just about everything else we have discovered about the universe so far. It will be interesting to see if they get any evidence for it.

Primordial Black Hole - Wikipedia

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